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Practical Daily Exercises for 12 Hole Ocarinas

€ 14,95 (including VAT)

Looking to master the 12-hole ocarina? Dr. Jenna Daum has written a book that will help you do just that. Practical Daily Exercises for the Ocarina Volume One is divided into fourteen chapters that cover the keys of C Major, F Major, and G Major. The note patterns in each exercise are designed to help you develop control of the fine finger muscles needed to become a great ocarina player with practice.

The book includes an exercise a day to be completed in 14 days and then started over again. Practice and fine-tune your new skills using instruction by an award-winning performer and teacher who has performed with orchestras around the country. The author uses these same exercises when preparing for a performance or recording a CD. Practical Daily Exercises for the Ocarina Volume One

  • 14 chapters with daily exercises intended to be spread out over 14 days
  • Designed for 12-hole ocarinas
  • Covers the keys of C Major, F Major, and G Major
  • Note patterns to help you develop control of the fine finger muscles needed to play the ocarina
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