# 9 of 17

STL Zelda Mini Ocarina - 12 Holes - Ceramic - C Major (Soprano)

€ 34,95 (including VAT)
  • 12-hole soprano C Major ocarina
  • Perfect to wear as a necklace
  • Very clear tone

This brand new 12-hole soprano ocarina is only about 2.75 inches wide and 2 inches long, accurately tuned in the key of C Major, with a pitch range of more than an octave and half (13 notes). It also has the capability of performing sharps and flats. It comes with an online instructional booklet, as well as a strap, so you can wear this ocarina on your neck wherever you go.

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Im SUPER happy with my new ocarina, the STL dragon. What a beauty 0_0

I ordered an ocarina and couple other items with it, the package arrived today and everything was in order. Safely packaged and delivery went smoothly. Thank you! Ocarinaking and I'll be sure to shop once more!

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