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Songbird Eagle Bone Flute - 4 Holes - Ceramic - Pentatonic Scale

€ 39,95 (including VAT)

- 3-Hole produces over an octave range from F-Bb

- Leather Strap

From antiquity, eagle bone flutes were played as sacred ceremonial instruments evoking wonder and reverence. The Eagle Bone Flute is played all over the world; from the Tadjik Herdsmen of Central Asia to the indigenous cultures of the Americas. This flute is modeled in clay from the leg bone of the Harpy Eagle, the largest and most powerful eagle in the world. We offer this flute as a way to invoke the eagle in prayer and song lifting the spirits of all who hear it.

This instrument gives a traditional native american scale also known as minor pentatonic. Improvisation is easy in this scale as every note combination sounds beautifully. The entire major scale is possible. A leather strap is also included.

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