# 7 of 74

STL Nebula Ocarina - 12 Holes - Ceramic - C Major (Tenor) - 4 Colors

€ 79,95 (including VAT)

The 12 Hole Nebula comes in an exquisite pair of breathtaking sets – light and dark, bright and brooding. Handcrafted in carefully defined ceramic and each with its own authentic and handpicked gemstone, the smooth and polished ceramic sets an elegant background to the vivid and moving gem set in the Ocarina’s heart. Choose from genuine amethyst, turquoise, or moonstone. With a sound that will transport you to the depths of space, this mellow Ocarina is sure to take you far away from your troubles and deep into the sea of tranquility.

The Nebula ocarina has been accurately tuned in the key of C major with a pitch range from A4 to F6, including flats and sharps. From its celestial design to impressive range and sound, this ocarina is truly transporting to play. An online instructional booklet is included with all of our ocarinas.


Flexible range of styles
12-hole tenor ocarina
About 6 inches long
Accurately tuned in C Major
Pitch range from A4 to F6, including sharps and flats
Handcrafted from high-grade
Online instructional booklet included

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Im SUPER happy with my new ocarina, the STL dragon. What a beauty 0_0

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