# 9 of 64

STL Sapling Ocarina - 12 Holes - Ceramic - F Major (Alto)

€ 69,95 (including VAT)

Refresh your Ocarina collection with this Sapling ocarina. The weaving and whimsical nature of this Ocarina will take your mind to a peaceful place of growth and life. Allow the vibrant green of newly watered leaves to keep you energized and clear, even during the bitterly cold nights of winter. The darkness of the branches strengthens the light and youthful tone that this Sapling Ocarina delivers.


Our newest Alto Ocarina
Feel the fresh breeze of spring even amidst the cold of winter
Accurately tuned in F Major
Pitch range from D5 to B-flat6
Measures 5.5 inches long
Skillfully crafted from the highest-grade
Online instructional booklet included

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Im SUPER happy with my new ocarina, the STL dragon. What a beauty 0_0

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